Complying with European regulatory obligations takes a great deal of effort from companies looking to register their chemicals, active substances and products.
Many companies have therefore decided to join efforts by creating consortia and are looking for specialised consortium management services as this type of collaboration warrants a different approach than consulting services to individual companies.
ARCHE Consortia accommodates for these specific needs and provides a complete range of services, from launching the call of interest to final registration. ARCHE Consortia coordinates all technical, scientific, financial, administrative, contractual and legal activities. ARCHE Consortia will thereby help the industry decrease costs, increase knowledge and interact more effectively with the European and national regulatory bodies.
ARCHE values the distinct identity of each company becoming a consortium member; whilst working on a common project we strive to preserve a maximum of autonomy and flexibility for each participant. In practice this means that our submission strategy of choice will allow for each of the consortium-members to obtain an authorisation for their products over which they have full regulatory control.